I think this is an improvement of the one they wore on Training day, however I am still not a fan. But, I think that Pink looks nice on the Romanian team.
This isn't too bad. I just thought it was too uncharacteristic to be a Russian leotard. I'd imagine Slovenia or Israel to wear it but the pattern is so nice. hehe!
Spanny's 'the freaking pinwheel' strikes again. Obviously, Belgium are the last people you'd expect to be wearing pink this meet (ah!) Of course not, there whole wardrobe consists of pink, pink and a little bit more of pink. But, hey, they made team finals. Belgium love them.
The 'wow, Adela?' design. It has Sweden and BLAH written all over it. Quite reasonable for Adela's taste but it isn't lush. The leaves in the corner are quite effective.
Wow Vasiliki, Wow! What us bloggers would refer to as #hotpinknation It looks like they have a long, pink armband, also the clear sleeves need to DIE! Nooo....
Your average from a German leotard. National colors, tired pattern and Oksana Chusovitina.
I totally love this one...yay, we've found one I like. The lines going down the side are really pretty and very nice and sort of makes it like an adidas leotard. It's a very basic design yet the colors enhance it.
I am hating the material. Also, these leotards are so common, they're isn't even a flag/advertisement separating it from another nation's version.
I wish Sweden would have worn the Slovenian one. I think this one is really weird. There isn't any yellow just a golden sleeve with blue weird stripes and then 3/4 of it is sheer black with diamontes, hmmph?
the 'neon party' leotard. I want Ireland to do a version like the Spanish one with the Irish colors, it would look so cool. Basic but actually very cool. Attracts a lot of attention, and even has matching iluminous scrunchie.
Material = 0
Design = 0
Simplicity = 100!!
Lara Svilpaite works the 'zebra' look. Not sure I'm buying it.
thank you for reading:)